A Tool for Collecting and Organizing Key Relationships in a Three-generational Extended Family Is a:


Equally a event of increased divorce rates, the proliferation of unmarried-parent families, and patterns of economic stagnation, parents are increasingly relying on extended family to care for children. In the past few decades, a substantial increase in the number of grandparents raising grandchildren has been observed within the United States. Grandparents who raise their grandchildren are particularly vulnerable, every bit are the grandchildren in their care; however, U.S. policy currently presents many barriers, gaps, and unintended consequences for grandparent caregivers. In this paper, nosotros use two theoretical paradigms 1) structural lag and 2) the political economy of crumbling perspective to contend that U.S. policy has not kept pace with the reality of the family and – as a consequence – those families who are most vulnerable often receive the least back up. We advise that as family forms become more diverse a redefinition of the family to one that is less bound by residence and biology, to i based more on part, volition exist required.


Over the past 50 years, profound changes in family structures have contradistinct the way many families organize to raise their children. Family unit forms have diversified every bit a event of increased divorce rates and the proliferation of unmarried-parent families, thereby increasing the need of parents to rely on extended family support for care of their children. At the same time, economic stagnation--every bit manifested past declining existent wages and the wholesale reduction in jobs paying a living wage and providing benefits--equally well as retrenchment in regime benefits for single mothers and the working poor, take compromised the ability of parents to effectively enhance their children, furthering their need to rely on extended relatives to fill up the gap in childcare. Most commonly, grandparents get the principal guardians of distressed families where the middle-generation is incapable of raising their children. Even so, in spite of the proliferation of grandparent-headed families, public policy in the United states has not kept pace with challenges posed past this non-traditional family form. In this commodity, nosotros hash out how structural features of American social welfare policy have impeded an adequate response to the unique needs faced by custodial grandparents and the grandchildren they are raising. We as well examine this issue in general theoretical terms as an example of how family policies often lag behind irresolute social conditions, specially when they are predicated on ideological preferences for traditional family unit forms that resist acknowledging the needs of families that lie outside the boundaries of those forms.

Grandparent Custodial Care in the United states of america

In the early 1990's, researchers began to note the increasing prevalence of grandparents raising grandchildren within the African-American customs, primarily as an indirect result of parental addiction to crack cocaine (Minkler & Roe, 1993, Burton, 1992). This enquiry into the substantial increase of grandparent-headed households drew attention to the unique needs and challenges faced past grandparent caregivers and the children in their care. As of 2000, most ii.4 million grandparents claimed chief responsibility for a coresident grandchild. These included grandparents living in households consisting of iii (or more) generations as well equally those in skipped-generation households consisting just of grandparents and grandchildren (Simmons & Lawler-Dye, 2003).

When examined from the betoken of view of the youngest generation it is estimated that 6.5 one thousand thousand children in the United States currently live with at to the lowest degree ane grandparent (Kreider, 2004), accounting for approximately 9% of all children nationally and more than half (56%) of those non living with their parents. While multigenerational coresidence is often seen as a way to support the older generation in the household, many of these living arrangements are formed and maintained for the do good of the children within them. Children living in grandparent-headed households—those most likely to be the beneficiaries of grandparent care—doubled over the last quarter of the 20thursday century, rising from two.2 meg in 1970 to three.9 1000000 in 1997 (Bryson & Casper, 1999). Where this tendency was initially driven by an increase in the number of grandparent-headed households containing grandchildren and their single parents, by the early 1990'south the composition of these households shifted to grandchildren in the absence of parents (Bryson & Casper, 1999). While some of these households are transitory, the large majority of custodial grandparents in the U.South. take been responsible for their grandchildren for at to the lowest degree 1 yr, with nearly ii in v having been responsible for over five years (Bryson & Casper, 1999).

Grandparent caregiving is non equally distributed across social class and racial groups. There is a long tradition for poor families to rely on the labor of grandparents every bit an accommodation to the loftier market cost of childcare, their higher than boilerplate rate of single parenting, and, the need for both parents to work in the case of intact families. Rates of custodial grandparenting are particularly high in African-American families as a response to historically high rates of poverty and single-parenting (Uhlenberg & Kirby, 1998; Ruggles, 1994), as well as a cultural propensity for extended-familism that has roots in slavery and post-Reconstruction migration patterns. African-American families disrupted and dislocated by slave traders and owners adapted to their situation by constructing alternative family forms that oft included a strong grandparent presence. The tradition of extended-familism was reinforced after the Civil War, equally African-Americans in the southern states of the one-time Confederacy moved to the cities of the north in order to find piece of work, oftentimes leaving children in the care of relatives (Jimenez, 2002).

This tradition is reflected in the proportion of African-American children existence raised by grandparents. Near 12% of African-American children live in grandparent-headed households as compared to only 7% of Hispanic children and 4% of non-Hispanic white children (See Effigy). About i/3 of African-American children in grandparent-headed households alive below the poverty line. Hispanic and not-Hispanic white children living in grandparent-headed households are also at risk of living in poverty; nevertheless, the proportion living in poverty is much lower than that of African-American children. So, not only are African-American children more than likely to live in grandparent-headed households, they are as well more probable to be living in poverty.

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Percentage of Children <18 Living in Grandparent-Headed Households by Poverty and Race/Hispanic Origin: 2004

1Total includes children of other race/ethnicities not detailed in chart.

Source: U.S. Census Agency, Survey of Income and Program Participation, 2004 Panel, Moving ridge 2, Internet Release Data: February 2008

Grandparent Provided Intendance a Natural Duty and a Public Good

Grandparents, peculiarly grandmothers, have long been a significant source of support for mothers rearing dependent children. Arguments accept been fabricated that this office is the product of an evolutionary selection process by which children whose grandmothers were both altruistic and lived relatively long past their reproductive years were more likely to survive than those without such grandmothers (Hawkes et al., 1998). In contemporary nations where families live in apple-polishing poverty, the very presence of maternal grandmothers withal has a positive influence on diet and survival of grandchildren (Sear, Mace & McGregor, 2000).

In the adult globe, grandparents are the natural buffers between parental inability to provide care and regime assist. Grandparent caregivers are oft the terminal line of defense before placement of children into the foster intendance system. As such, the child care labor of grandparents salve the public from outlaying vast sums of coin that would take been devoted to public support of the vulnerable children under their charge (Hughes, Waite, LaPierre, & Luo, 2007). The economical value of grandparent-provided care, as calculated by Bass & Caro in 1996 and converted into electric current dollars, comes to between $23.5 and $39.3 billion annually; a figure, though not considered in the economical productivity of the nation, represents a substantial toll savings to the public coffer.

By nigh every bachelor measure, families in which children are being raised by grandparents are among the most vulnerable in the United States, over-represented by unmarried-mother and low income families who arrived at their status due to substance corruption, teen pregnancy, AIDS, and incarceration in the middle generation (Fuller-Thomson, Minkler & Commuter, 1997; Dressel & Barnhill, 1994; Jendrek, 1994a; Minkler & Roe, 1993). Declines in the number of jobs that pay living wage and provide benefits have economically squeezed the working poor and centre-class families, such that they increasingly need to rely on extended family support. In the absence of low cost public alternatives, mothers who are employed full-time, especially those of marginal ways, are amid those near probable to receive full-time child care from their parents (Vandell, McCartney, Owen, Booth, & Clarke-Stewart, 2003).

Grandparent caregivers suffer higher than boilerplate rates of activity limitation (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 1999), chronic conditions (Strawbridge, Wallhagen, Shema & Kaplan, 1997), and poor subjective well-being (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 1999; Fuller-Thomson & Minkler, 2000). The children in their care are probable to have suffered from parental abuse, fail, instability, and/or death and every bit a result may display loftier levels of behavioral issues (Billing, Ehrle, & Kortenkamp, 2002; Edwards, 2006), often compounded by high rates of poverty and inadequate housing weather condition (Fuller-Thomson & Minkler, 2003; Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 2005; Mutchler & Baker, 2004).

Although households consisting of single grandmothers raising grandchildren have fifty-fifty higher rates of poverty than households consisting of single mothers and their children, the participation of caregiving grandparents in public assistance programs is relatively low (Brandon, 2005). This suggests that government programs within the The states are not adequately addressing the needs of families in which children are raised past their grandparents, despite the fact that these children and their caregiving grandparents are among the most vulnerable in the nation. That families in the nigh need receive the fewest resources brings to mind the Matthew event (Merton, 1968), or more specifically it's corollary that those who take the to the lowest degree tend to also receive the to the lowest degree. In the following sections, we address some of the reasons for this design of accumulating disadvantage in grandparent-custodial families and grandparent-headed households in the United States.

Macro-Theoretical Perspectives

We suggest two macro-level theoretical perspectives in social gerontology that may have utility for understanding the relatively new challenge of grandparent caregiving as information technology is situated within the larger context of the family and public policy in the Usa. Taken together, these perspectives provide a theoretical framework with which to analyze the inadequacies of current policies with regard to grandparents raising grandchildren.

The starting time theoretical approach is that of "structural lag," a central concept of the age and gild paradigm (Riley & Riley, 1994). Deriving from the age and guild paradigm in social gerontology, structural lag describes the interdependence of age cohorts and social structures, and particularly the asynchrony between structural and individual modify over time. Its major concept is that social structures cannot keep pace with population dynamics and changes in private lives. That is, there is mismatch between people's capacities and needs and the surrounding societal structures that grant opportunities to limited those capacities and meet those needs. Inadequate institutional response to the childcare needs of divorced, single parent, and dual earner couples is a prime example of structural lag, every bit is its sequelae, the grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren without the legal protections, benefits, and publicly recognized authority every bit parent. Policies are embedded in stable institutional and political arrangements that change slowly, and naturally fall behind the population changes that abruptly come into being based on relatively rapid economic and social shifts.

The second theoretical paradigm is the political economic system of aging perspective (Estes, 2001; Phillipson, 2005). This perspective seeks to explain how the interaction of economic and political forces determines the unequal allocation of resources, and the consistent loss of ability, autonomy and influence possessed by older individuals. Variations in the handling and condition of those disadvantaged and marginalized by race, grade, gender, and age—all relevant descriptors of the population of grandparents raising grandchildren—can be understood by examining public policies, economic trends, and social structural factors that constrain opportunities and choices over the life-bridge (Estes, 2001; Phillipson, 2005). As grandparent caregivers are overwhelmingly grandmothers, more than likely poor grandmothers, and proportionately over-represented past African-American grandmothers, it impossible to ignore the roles of race, class, and gender in the perpetuation of disadvantage within families, and its reproduction across generations.

Feminist theories of crumbling combine with political economy to treat differential access to key textile, health, and caring resources which substantially alters the feel of crumbling for women and men (Arber & Ginn, 1995). For example, from a feminist perspective, family caregiving can be understood as an experience of obligation, structured by the gender-based sectionalization of domestic labor and the devaluing of unpaid piece of work by public institutions (Stroller, 1993). Cultural expectations that grandmothers contribute to families as a matter of class with fiddling demand for institutional back up, reflects a devaluation of poor women'south domestic labor. Women remain the backbone of breezy caring networks, but remain disadvantaged in their accumulation of work-related returns, too equally receipt of some public benefits (Heinz, 2003; Casper & Bianchi, 2002). Kin-work, for case, does not add together to labor force participation credits necessary for Social Security eligibility.

The American Model of Social Welfare

Although grandchild care has become more visible in the past x years, the issue as a public policy concern remains largely nether the radar as reflected by lack of institutional recognition and support. To empathise the failure of policy efforts on behalf of grandparent caregivers, it is useful to situate the problem within the context of American values of individualism and self-reliance, and the preferred balance between public and private responsibilities. Ironically, grandparent caregivers receive fewer institutionally based supports than non-kin caregivers (Landry-Meyer, 1999), a consequence of U.S. cultural and political norms that privilege voluntary family unit contributions and sharply divide private family functions from the public back up sector. More generally, this divide highlights the peculiar approach of the U.S. toward collective solutions to private troubles, and the view that government should minimize its intrusion into the private sphere of the family.

In the The states, a civilisation of competitive individualism has shaped Americans' attitudes toward the poor who are held responsible for their own destinies and as non having earned their right to long-term benefits (Newman, 1997; Kingson and Schulz, 1997; Cook & Barrett, 1992; Folio and Shapiro, 1992). The relatively tardily and fragmented public response to the needs of the poor is rooted in the uniquely American approach to social welfare that includes an accent on private over public responsibility. Consequently, there has been a great reluctance to arbitrate in the private nature of family unit life. Indeed, most policies in the The states are designed to serve the vulnerable at the indicate at which family unit and individual resource have been exhausted. These values were highlighted with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 (Public Law 104–193). This reform ended entitlement to welfare benefits and imposed strict requirements for receipt of benefits, including piece of work requirements, time limits, and restrictions on the living arrangements of teen mothers.

To put the U.Southward. family policy into sharp relief, one tin wait to the Scandinavian model of social welfare. Universal access to publicly financed depression cost 24-hour interval care, free health intendance for children, and liberal parental leave benefits were instituted to reduce gender biases in the labor market, and have the unintended benefit of largely obviating the very need for grandparent caregiving. Most single mothers or grandmothers raising children can manage their lives more than effectively and stay employed in the labor force because of the back up provided by the state. In addition, liberal unemployment benefits and parental get out policies, and the treatment of drug and booze abuse as a medical (and less of a legal) problem, has reduced the need for grandparent caregiving. With this discussion as a framework, nosotros examine policies (and lack thereof) that have directly or indirectly proven to disadvantage grandparent-headed families.

Policy Barriers, Gaps, and Unintended Consequences

In this section we review several of the specific manifestations of the private/public separate in U.Southward. policies toward families as they apply to the needs of grandparent caregivers. Currently, the policy environment is characterized by multiple examples of barriers to access, gaps in policy, and unintended consequences. In short, this represents the dominant paradigm in the United States designed to protect the most vulnerable families from unexpected adverse risk; that is, minimal benefits, provided within a fragmented arrangement, to those highly motivated to apply for them.

Every bit mentioned above, grandparent caregivers have comparatively low receipt of public assist despite loftier levels of poverty (Brandon, 2005). This is particularly truthful among caregivers raising grandchildren outside the child welfare organisation. Despite similarities in both type and level of need, caregivers whose children are non involved with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) are less probable to access formal services including respite intendance, public assist, and legal communication (Goodman, Potts, & Pasztor, 2007). This suggests substantial barriers in access to public support among grandparent caregivers who are informally raising their grandchildren.

Strict eligibility requirements for public assistance may be prohibitive for many grandparent caregivers in the Us. Grandparents who are otherwise eligible to collect welfare based on their own income may be discouraged by the strict piece of work requirements imposed by PWORA, either due to their prior exit from the labor forcefulness or because of their advancing age, poor health or functional status (Copen, 2006). In addition, grandparents who received benefits while raising their own children may exist ineligible to receive funding to raise their grandchildren if they accept previously exceeded the time limits imposed by welfare reform (Smith & Beltran, 2003). Grandparents may exist eligible to receive child-just payments that are exempt from these requirements; however, these benefits are much lower than family benefits (Smith & Beltran, 2003). Equally a consequence, the neediest families (e.g. chronically poor households) may actually be the least likely to receive benefits through this system.

Grandparents raising grandchildren accept as well reported much difficulty in obtaining health insurance for their grandchildren, especially those who exercise non accept legal custody of the grandchild (Casper & Bryson, 1998; Jendrek, 1994b). Health insurance for children within the United States is obtained primarily through the employer of their chief caregiver, with the exception of children from low-income families who are often insured through a range of demand-based public health insurance programs. Difficulties in obtaining adequate insurance accept been widely documented within this system; nevertheless, the difficulties experienced by grandparents raising grandchildren have received little attending beyond a pocket-size circle of advocates, researchers, and academics. Grandparents raising grandchildren who are retired (or otherwise not employed) are unlikely to have admission to a reasonably priced grouping program and may accept to plough to an expensive private plan if the grandchild cannot be insured through a parent. Even grandparent caregivers who are employed may have difficulty obtaining benefits for a grandchild if their employer does not consider the grandchild a dependent. This situation is quite common among grandparents who are informally raising a grandchild; in fact, out of more than 50 companies surveyed by Generations United, none immune grandparents to include grandchildren on a health insurance plan unless a formal legal relationship had been established (Generations United, 2002).

Grandparents raising grandchildren are besides at risk of living in inadequate housing conditions. Over 14% of grandparent caregivers live in overcrowded housing weather condition, compared with only over iv% their peers; grandparents who hire have been identified as an particularly vulnerable population every bit nearly 30% live in overcrowded conditions (Fuller-Thomson & Minkler, 2003). This level of overcrowding is non surprising because that the archway of the grandchild into the household can be unexpected and sudden; housing meant for one or 2 older adults all of a sudden has to fulfill the needs of a family. In recent years, many states have begun to introduce public housing specifically targeted at grandparent other relative caregivers. An example of this is Grandfamilies House in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a 26-unit housing project aimed at grandparents raising grandchildren (Gottlieb & Silverstein, 2003). While programs such as this have been helpful in addressing the housing needs of grandparent caregivers, they are limited in telescopic and are only practical for those caregivers who have permanent custody of their grandchildren. As nosotros will discuss in more item below, many care arrangements are not this black and white constituting a major bulwark to this type of housing. In fact, issues have been reported with these programs, including how to handle tenants who live in the housing project, but are no longer raising a grandchild (Gottlieb & Silverstein, 2003).

Current policies in the Usa are not only restrictive in serving grandparent caregivers, they take also indirectly encouraged grandparent caregiving activities Electric current policies regarding placement preferences of child welfare agencies, imprisonment for non-tearing drug offenses, and welfare eligibility criteria either explicitly, or implicitly, rely on grandparents to take on a larger role in the lives of their grandchildren.

Grandparents have been identified every bit a preferable placement for children in the child welfare system, leading to a shift in the number of children placed in foster intendance as compared to the number placed in kinship intendance (Smith & Beltran, 2003). Conspicuously, this is in the best interests of most families, besides as for the foster care organization. Unfortunately, although grandparent caregivers are raising children who would previously have been in the foster care system, they generally receive much lower benefits than their non-kin counterparts (Landry-Meyer, 1999). As a upshot, a large economic burden has shifted direct from the regime to the family unit.

In addition, the incarceration rate has been steadily increasing in the U.s. over the past decade, particularly among women. The number of females in state or federal prison grew past about xx% between 2000 and 2006, while the number of females in local prisons grew by approximately forty% (Sabol, Minton, & Harrison, 2007). Much of this increase has been attributed to strict policies within the U.S. regarding non-violent drug offenses and mandatory minimum sentencing (Bloom, Owen, & Covington, 2004; Greenfeld & Snell, 1999). The bulk of children with incarcerated mothers are cared for by grandparents; in fact, over half of children are in the care of their grandparents equally compared to only 28% in the intendance of another parent and less than 10% in foster care (Mumola, 2000). In many cases, these grandparents may have prevented placement in the foster intendance system upon the imprisonment of the female parent.

Welfare reform has also had several unintended consequences for grandparents raising grandchildren. As part of PRWORA, teen mothers are required to live an adult-supervised household in order to receive benefits (Eshbaugh, 2008; Smith & Beltran, 2003). This reform was put in identify primarily as a deterrent to teen pregnancy; still, this requirement essentially forced grandparents to accept on fractional or total parental responsibility for their grandchildren. While many grandparents would have chosen this path regardless of the policies in identify, this still represents a strong value argument; that is, if mothers are unable to fully provide for their children, it is the duty of grandparents to step in and fill those gaps before the regime will provide supplemental back up.

Welfare reform also imposed new work requirements and time limits on those receiving welfare benefits. Of interest in this discussion is the influence of the five yr time-limit on benefits and welfare-to-work policies on the provision of grandparent care and the formation of multigenerational households. Unfortunately, fiddling research has attempted to necktie welfare reform to the provision of grandparent care and the formation of multi-generational households; therefore, nosotros can only speculate as to the possible effects. Given single mothers' heavy reliance on public assistance (Brandon, 2005) and the heavy reliance of low-income working mothers on grandparental assistance (Vandell et al., 2003), information technology stands to reason that the work requirements of PWORA must have contributed to an increase in grandparent provided intendance, specially that of full-time daycare. Similarly, it is unclear to what extent multigenerational households may accept been formed to address 1) piece of work-family unit conflicts experienced by single mothers as a result of welfare piece of work requirements and two) loss of welfare benefits for those who either did non meet work requirements or became ineligible for benefits subsequently v years in the system (the electric current time limit for receipt of cash benefits). The formation of multigenerational households has long been a strategy used by families of depression socioeconomic status to gainsay economic difficulties (Angel & Tienda, 1982); in fact, financial difficulties have been cited as a common reason for coresidence within three-generation families (Goodman & Silverstein, 2002).

The Continuum of Grandparent Intendance

Why accept constructive grandparent caregiver policies been and so difficult to develop? Whereas public policies are designed to categorically serve eligible beneficiaries, the category of grandparent caregivers often has ambiguous boundaries and is oft transitional in nature. In part, difficulties in developing sensible policies to serve custodial grandparents must come up to terms with the definition of the situation of these grandparents who are plagued by volatile, uncertain, and highly dynamic family conditions.

Caregiving grandparents generally live in one of two household configurations: (1) skipped-generation households in which grandparents are raising grandchildren in the absence of the eye-generation, and (two) 3-generation or co-parenting households in which a grandparent is raising a grandchild while co-residing with the middle-generation. Assumptions are made well-nigh the blazon and level of care provided by the grandparent based primarily on residential circumstances of the grandchild's parent: Grandparents in skipped-generation households generally have the largest burden of care, while those in three-generation households are likely to exist sharing parental responsibility with the parent. However, we argue that this categorization does not effectively address the complex system of parental and grandparental involvement in the provision of care.

The public oft views grandparents raising grandchildren every bit distinct from "traditional" companionate grandparents. The office of "grandparent caregiver" conjures up images of the heroic grandmother who permanently steps into the parental role in the absence of the centre generation. To be sure, this is an accurate portrait of many grandparent caregivers. However, on closer exam, custodial grandparents reveal themselves to be part of a continuum of care that ebbs and flows with the needs and problems in the heart generation. Skipped generation households may become iii-generation households and back once more, and custodial grandparents may evolve into co-parents if adult children render or get more involved in child rearing, simply to revert back to existence in the custodial role.

At that place is evidence that in three-generation households, many grandparents take on a large share of parental responsibility, even claiming primary responsibility for grandchildren despite parental presence in the household (Lee, Ensminger, & LaVeist, 2005; Mutchler & Baker, 2004). In some cases, parents may in fact be transient members of the household, while grandparents are the stable parental force within the household. In other cases, co-resident parents may be unable or unwilling to effectively contribute to parental responsibilities; examples of this may include developmental disability, teen pregnancy, drug/alcohol abuse, or incapacitation due to illness. A salient example is the example of grandparents raising grandchildren as a result of the AIDS epidemic. There is show that grandparents take on substantial responsibility for the children of HIV infected parents, including bold custody, even while the parent is still live (Cowgill et al., 2007). Clearly, at least in the advanced stages of the disease, these grandparents are not sharing parental responsibility with co-resident parents; rather, they are simultaneously raising their grandchild and caregiving for their dying kid.

Conversely, many skipped-generation households accept a high level of contact with the parental generation. Almost 2/3 of grandparents raising grandchildren in these households written report at least daily contact with the parent (Baker, 2006). Might this atomic number 82 to shared parental responsibility, even in the residential absenteeism of a parent? Information from the U.Due south. Decennial Census reveals that at that place are a number of grandparents within skipped-generation households who practise not claim main responsibility for their co-resident grandchild(ren), despite a lack of other plausible caregivers within the household (Mutchler & Baker, 2004). Might the middle-generation in some of these households exist parenting from a distance?

Prior research suggests that many grandparent intendance households may be formed in response to stagnant economic conditions - specially in rural areas - in which the parents are not able to provide enough financial support for their dependent children. In some cases, the middle-generation may be forced to migrate to another country or region with higher employment and amend educational opportunities (Kropf & Robison, 2004). In such instances, adult children will ofttimes ship remittances to their parents to assistance out with their expenses and those of children in their care.

Finally, grandparents may likewise provide a substantial corporeality of intendance for grandchildren from outside the household. This is particularly common amid African-American grandmothers who accept been shown to report relatively loftier levels of parental responsibility for grandchildren regardless of co-residence (Lee, Ensminger, & LaVeist, 2005). Providing loftier levels of care for grandchildren from outside the household has been associated with increases in depressive symptoms (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 2001) and coronary eye disease (Lee, Colditz, Berkman, & Kawachi, 2003). Given these findings, it is clear that grandparents who provide high levels of care from outside the domicile may experience similar hardship every bit compared to custodial grandparent caregivers.

Complicating this issue is the fact that living arrangements within these households are quite often fluid and informally arranged. Grandparents raising grandchildren are likely to move in and out of the grandparent caregiver office throughout their life depending on the needs of adult children and grandchildren (Lee, Ensminger, & LaVeist, 2005). Due in part to this fluidity of household arrangements, grandparents raising grandchildren often practice non accept a formal legal relationship with their grandchild, creating challenges when navigating the complex bureaucracies that involve the schooling, health care, and income maintenance benefits for the child (Landry-Meyer, 1999).


In this article we discussed several of the structural and ideological barriers to effectively serving grandparents who are raising their grandchildren within the Us. We are unabashed in acknowledging that these ofttimes heroic grandparents, more often than not grandmothers, perform a public function that deserve state support. From a conservative perspective, public back up would strengthen families and potentially increase the healthy evolution of two generations with long-term toll benefits.

Given the electric current economic and political environment inside the United States, the current style of advocacy is probable the nearly expedient road to provide needed services for grandparent caregivers. But is this method a bit like trying to fit a square peg in a round pigsty? Given that family structures are changing and multigenerational households are becoming more than common, can nosotros really continue with policies that exercise not recognize this diversity?

Definitions of "the family" that idealize past, and nearly likely forgone, kinship structures impede the evolution of policies that serve families as they are currently configured. Conceptions of the modal family equally nuclear with two reverse-sex parents and dependent children is now outdated, and policies based on this model are bound to nether-serve families with alternative structures. Families under stress and duress adapt by expanding beyond the nuclear family structure to involve a variety of kin and non-kin relationships. This shifting nature of family types makes policy formation difficult, particularly in the United States given the strict eligibility requirements for many public programs. Revising stagnant social policies toward families will crave a redefinition of the family to one that is less bound past residence and biology, to one based more on function. Is this possible in the short-term?

While a culture alter in the U.S. is certainly possible, it volition be ho-hum in coming. A more businesslike strategy to produce more immediate results would exist to offering policies that are isomorphic with current cultural values. Following are a set of policy recommendations for maximizing back up available to grandparent caregivers that reply to these changing realities, but that are likewise sensitive to the American social and political context.

Since many grandparents raising grandchildren are currently working, they may feel high levels of piece of work/family conflict. Consequently, one of the most widely reported needs of grandparent caregivers is that of respite care, a service that has relatively low cost. Government tin provide incentives to employers who offer flexible work schedules and weather to accommodate workers who accept family intendance responsibilities. A family-get out policy that does not explicitly or implicitly penalize workers for taking time off to care for family members should be promoted, recognizing that relief for caregivers provides real benefits for the workplace by increasing worker productivity, for society by advancing equity for the working poor, and for the family unit by promoting the healthy development of all generations in the family.

Policies that require little programmatic interventions include providing economical relief through tax credits, or by paying caregivers directly for their services at a rate commensurate with foster care. Paying caregivers, despite claims of its inefficiency in paying family unit members for what they would do for free anyway, may be successful at reducing burdens faced by grandparent caregivers, reinforce their good will, and contribution to child welfare.

Countervailing trends are formidable. In most Western nations there has been a retrenchment of social welfare programs, as governments seek to reduce their commitments to the dependent population and shift more responsibleness to families (Parrott, Mills and Bengtson, 2000, O'Rand 2003). The function of government in providing for its well-nigh vulnerable citizens has tended to weaken (Estes, 2003; Phillipson, 2003). Policymakers are under increasing force per unit area to apply market place principles in the design of social policies while placing restrictions on public welfare programs. Macro-economic restructuring and trends toward the individualization of adventure (O'Rand, 2003) have permeated all social institutions, creating tensions between public and individual sources of back up for the vulnerable of society (Giddens, 1991).

However, at that place are promising signs at the grass-roots level. The issue of grandparents raising grandchildren has initiated a public dialogue among older persons, service providers interest groups, and policy researchers, leading to a range of community support programs and nascent advocacy groups. On rest, we meet more hope for optimism than for pessimism with regard to advancing the social benefits that might become bachelor to families in which grandparents are raising their grandchildren. This issue has attracted the attention of aging service professionals, leading to the interest of the federal Assistants on Aging and several involvement groups, including AARP and Generations United. Cooperation between researcher, practitioner, and advocacy communities resulted in a variety of community, state, and federal programs, nearly notably provisions for grandparent caregivers through the 2000 amendments to the Older Americans Act under the National Family Caregiver Support program. This program now provides funding for respite care, support groups, and other services relevant to grandparents raising grandchildren (Smith & Beltran, 2003), a direct result of the efforts of grandparent caregiver advocates. Clearly, pregnant advances have been made in meeting the needs of grandparent caregivers thanks to the work of these advocates; however, much nonetheless needs to be done in developing family policies that are capable of benefiting all generations in all types of families.


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2888319/

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