what is the healthiest way to eat an egg?

Eggs are cheap, convenient, and an eggcellent office of a well-balanced diet.

Still for decades, eggs have been controversial because of their high cholesterol content.

As a nutrition professional who is personally egg obsessed, I had to uncover the truth. Rather than a perfect food, might eggs actually exist causing our bodies damage or disease?

It all comes downwardly to how you eat them.

So what is the healthiest and unhealthiest way to swallow eggs? It depends on the cooking method, the type that you lot have, and what you combine them with. Eggs are incredibly healthy if you cook them well enough to kill leaner but without overcooking them to destroy important nutrients. When frying them, it'due south important to use oil that has a high fume point. And it's all-time to use natural, pasture-raised eggs, combined with lots of vegetables.

Let's scramble up the research and uncover the healthiest and unhealthiest ways to eat eggs.

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Macronutrient Make-Up of Eggs

If there was such a thing as perfect food, eggs would be pretty darn close. They are rich in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals while being relatively depression in calories and carbs.

When it comes to protein, eggs are a complete protein source, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids (poly peptide edifice blocks).

Co-ordinate to the USDA, one whole, large egg contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 74

  • Protein: 6g

  • Fat: 5g

  • Carb: 0.5g

Eggs are rich in many nutrients which help build muscle and improve overall health. They are rich in atomic number 26 and folate which help carry oxygen throughout the body and maintain salubrious cells. They're packed with B vitamins such as vitamin B12 which helps with energy and metabolism.

Egg.ca teaches us that eggs have superfood benefits such as choline which helps amend our brain function. Selenium and vitamin Due east human activity as antioxidants, protecting your torso from gratis radicals and slowing the aging process. And bonus nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin are known as important vision improvers.

Healthiest Way to Eat Eggs

Healthiest way to eat eggs

Healthiest way to swallow eggs

In the legendary movie, Rocky (1976), he guzzles down a tall glass of raw eggs first thing in the morn. Later this moving picture, raw eggs were thought to exist the bodybuilder's breakfast. Just this was before the salmonella, nutrient borne illness scare.

1. COOK TO PLAY It Condom

As with almost foods, at that place's a fine remainder between cooking eggs long plenty in order to kill harmful bacteria while not overcooking them to the point of damaging the nutrients information technology contains.

According to NutritionFacts.org, in 2010 more than one-half a billion eggs were recalled due to salmonella outbreaks. This is why in that location are currently strict guidelines around how to properly shop and cook your eggs.

The Egg Safety Center, states that egg safety starts when you shop for eggs. Open the carton and make certain there are no visible cracks or leaking eggs. Check the date on the packet and use your eggs within three weeks of the sell by date

A general rule to follow is that if any egg looks or smells strange, it should not exist used. Try cracking it into a bowl and olfactory property information technology before cooking information technology.

Air-condition your eggs at 45°F or below. When yous melt the eggs, make sure to wash your hands before and after touching the eggs and then you don't cantankerous contaminate. When you lot cook the eggs, aim for a temperature betwixt 144 and 158°F.

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Cooking eggs makes them safer to eat and makes information technology so the nutrients are easier for your body to assimilate and blot.

In fact, one study found that cooking eggs makes information technology then the body tin use almost twice as much of the protein found in raw eggs.

Cooking also increases some of the food availability such as biotin. This is a B-vitamin that helps your torso convert food into free energy to utilize, supporting your metabolism. It's likewise helpful for your hair, skin, and nails.


Thoroughly cooking eggs can aid keep them safe and brand some nutrients easier to assimilate, but overcooking can really increase some unhealthy substances.

Costless radicals are molecules that wreak havoc in your trunk, causing impairment to cells, proteins, and Dna. They're linked to diseases such as cancer, center disease, and Alzheimer's.

Excessive cooking at high heats can deplete eggs of their antioxidants. Antioxidants are healthy nutrients that protect your body from those harmful free radicals. Ane study found that boiling, frying, or microwaving tin reduce the antioxidant content in eggs.

When eggs are heated at high temperatures, such as with frying or processing, the cholesterol can go oxidized. This has been linked to some health concerns and disease.

Best Means To Cook Eggs


The best way to melt and prepare your eggs are simple. Eddy, poach, bake, or low pan fry and employ minimal oils or sauces.

i. Boil

Hard-boiled eggs are healthy and portable! Making them a perfect pre- or post-conditioning snack and ideal if you're on a powerlifting diet.

To hard boil eggs, bring a pot of water to a eddy. Gently add together eggs using a spoon, then the shells don't break equally you put them in the pot. Boil eggs for 8-10 minutes, depending how well cooked you want the yolk.


Poached eggs are cooked in a similar style every bit boiled eggs but cooked for less time, and outside of the shell. Vinegar is helpful to coagulate the white but it'south not required.

To poach an egg, heat water in a pot until it reaches a boil, then turn down to a simmer. Crack your egg(s) into a pocket-size basin, then gently skid the egg into the simmering water. Turn the heat off, encompass the pan, and cook for four minutes or until the whites are completely cooked. Gently remove the eggs with a slotted spoon, serve and enjoy.

3. Broil

Broiled eggs are a highly nutritious and easy dish. They are very adaptable. You lot tin can serve them with your selection of toppings of mix-ins.

To bake eggs, preheat your oven to 350ºF. Information technology's all-time to utilize a not-stick pan merely if you need, add a bit of cooking spray such every bit kokosnoot oil. Fissure egg(south) into a muffin tin. Bake the egg(s) for 14-eighteen minutes or until the whites are fully cooked and the yolks are to your liking.

4. Low PAN FRY

Frying eggs is a archetype. Whether you similar them over easy (cooked on both sides), sunny side upwards (fried on one side) or scrambled (whisked in a basin), they can be a healthy addition to your well-rounded diet.

What Tin can Yous Add To Eggs?

What you lot add to your eggs can have a big bear upon on how healthy your eggs are! For case, some bacon can be a healthy part of a bodybuilding diet, as long equally the residue of your mean solar day is focused on protein foods.

But take a expect at this table to see how rapidly your egg additions can add to your calories!

What you add to eggs can increase the caloric intake

What you add to eggs tin increase the caloric intake


Eggs pair perfectly with vegetables. It can be one of the easiest ways to get your daily recommended two to three cups per day.

Go on leafy greens similar arugula or spinach in the fridge and throw a scattering into your morning eggs. Or top your eggs and toast with some microgreens or fresh herbs.

Rut upwards some leftover vegetables such as asparagus or zucchini and brand a simple and good for you omelette.

Add some fresh salsa to your eggs to give your eggs a Southwestern flare — Breakfast taco recipe to come up!

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Unhealthy Means to Melt Your Eggs

1. Avoid Loftier TEMPERATURES

If you cook eggs at high temperatures, especially for extended periods of time, you may lose nutrients and impairment some of the healthy backdrop of the eggs. As nosotros learned earlier, it may also oxidize cholesterol.


When pan-frying your eggs, employ oils that tin can handle loftier heat temperatures, called a high fume point. If you estrus oil past this smoke point, it can lead to the good for you fats being damaged, producing free radicals that can cause inflammation and toxic chemicals in your body.

A skillful dominion of thumb to know if you've passed the smoke point is if y'all see a grey-colored fume while heating, or if you hear cracks and splats.

Some oils with a college oestrus temperature include: peanut oil, expeller pressed canola oil, and avocado oil.

Different Types of Eggs: Does it Brand a Departure?

Healthline breaks it downwardly for us. There are dissimilar types of eggs and the nutritional content varies depending on how the hens were raised and what they were fed.

  • Free-range ways that the hens have the option of going outside.

  • Cage-free simple ways that they aren't raised in a cage; they could withal be in a stuffy house.

  • Omega-iii-enriched means that the feed is supplemented with omega-3 such every bit flax seeds.

  • Pasture-raised eggs are allowed to roam free and eat natural food (plants and insects) every bit well as conventional feed.

  • Organic is non treated with hormones and only receive the organic feed.

  • Conventional are standard eggs that are ordinarily fed grain.

Studies have shown that when conventional, organic, and omega-3-enriched eggs were compared, they had different nutrient profiles.

The omega-three eggs had 5 times as much centre-healthy omega-3 as the conventional eggs. And in that location was little divergence between organic and conventional eggs.

When comparing conventional versus pasture-raised eggs, studies show that pastured eggs are more rich in vitamins A and Due east, and omega-3 fatty acids. The hens who have access outdoors lay eggs with a lot more vitamin D.

To Yolk or Not to Yolk

The primary part of an egg yolk is to supply food and energy for the developing embryo, making information technology rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, and essential fatty acids.

In the 1980's eggs (and in particular their yolks) got a bad wrap because of the high cholesterol content.

However, health experts such as Mayoclinic explain that eggs are naturally high in cholesterol but eggs don't seem to raise blood cholesterol levels the manner other foods that are loftier in trans fats and saturated fats do.

They explain that although previous studies accept constitute a link between eating eggs and heart dis
ease, there may exist other reasons for these findings such equally the fact that the participants besides ate a lot of processed foods and meats such equally fried bacon, sausage, and ham.

Mayoclinic goes on to describe that nearly people tin consume up to seven eggs per calendar week without increasing their hazard of heart affliction. Some studies have even shown that this level of eggs may even assist foreclose certain types of stroke and centre conditions.

Other thorough research, such as a 2015 review of 40 studies, has suggested that as long as your torso is in a healthy state, it will regulate the amount of blood cholesterol information technology produces. So the amount of eggs you lot eat is not necessarily a concern — within reason of course.

Final Thoughts

Eggs are cheap, high in protein, and very nutritious.

Go along in heed that just because eggs tin exist healthy, doesn't mean that they are all-time for your body. For instance, avoid them if y'all have an allergy, sensitivity or intolerance to them.

If y'all suffer from a chronic disease such every bit high cholesterol or diabetes, y'all may want to consider limiting your intake. If you lot aren't sure, ask your doctor!

Merely if you're good for you and eggs make you feel corking, they're an amazing addition to a standard good for you diet, bodybuilding diet, or powerlifting diet.

When you lot're experimenting with the many means to melt eggs, make sure to heat them enough to kill leaner but without overcooking them. Use oil that has a high fume indicate and cook at a lower temperature. Aim to all-time to use natural, pasture-raised eggs, and add lots of vegetables.

What'due south almost important is focusing on a healthy diet and agile lifestyle that promotes balance and makes you feel your personal best.

Near The Writer

Lisa Booth

Lisa Booth

Lisa is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) with over fifteen years of experience in nutrition, fitness, and mental health coaching and education. She studied Foods and Nutrition at San Diego Land University and earned a Main of Science in Holistic Nutrition at Hawthorn Academy .

Having certifications and experience in group practice, intuitive eating, coaching and psychotherapy, and digestive wellness, she'south enthusiastic about the relationship betwixt the trunk and mind.

She's dedicated to helping people sympathize how to implement healthy habit change, while gaining a deeper understanding of what makes them feel their personal best.


Source: https://fitbod.me/blog/healthiest-ways-to-eat-eggs/

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